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Nominee Rules & Regulations

If you have been offered a  nomination!

Congratulations on your nomination!


By now, you should have received a call or email correspondence from the staff to request that you accept the nomination and be in compliance of all the requirements and not forfeit your nomination.  Once we offer the nomination:


  1. You will accept the nomination via email.

  2. You will reserve a room at the host hotel & provide confirmation of said registration (you must stay at the host hotel during the weekend of the Music Love Awards: unless an exception has been made for you by the MLAs.  You, the nominee, are responsible for your travel and lodging arrangements and expenses).    

  3. You are required to have a strong presence on social media - Face Book, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  (Our platform is social media driven.  95% of your updates, instructions and deadlines are posted on FaceBook; therefore, you need to be willing to commit to checking your page daily or create a page if you don't already have one). We add you to a private FaceBook group, once the voting begin.  Be sure to check your notifications for the invite.  If you have not received one, be sure and message us. 

  4. The attire is Formal flowing gowns and Tux (This is a Black Tie affair much like the Grammy or Oscar).   As long as you have a suit, you will be fine, fellas! 

  5. While the nominees DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE TICKETS TO THE AWARDS SHOW, you DO have to purchase $45 tickets for the Luncheon, which is a mandatory event for all the nominees.  Deadline is August 5, 2023NOTE:  IF YOU RAISE $100 IN CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES or ADS FOR THE SOUVENIR PROGRAM, WE WILL WAIVE YOUR Meal ticket to the luncheon.

    • Ask friends/fans/family to write up a 5 lines congratulatory message in your honor for $10. 

    • Make the payments using cash app $musicloveawards

    • Email all the messages to

    • Deadline to submit messages is August 5, 2023, as the program has to go to print 

    • by August 10, 2023.

    • Once you have reached $100 in congratulatory messages/ads, we will email you waiving your $40 meal ticket.  REMEMBER THAT EVERY DOLLAR WE RAISE GOES TOWARDS EXPENSES AND THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND!  NOTHING IS FOR PROFIT.

  6. All nominees' guests (including management) will have to purchase tickets to all events.  We suggest the discounted ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE, which can be purchased from the Ticket Information page.  

  7. NOTE:  IF YOU RAISE $350 IN ADS TO GO IN THE SOUVENIR PROGRAM, YOU WILL RECIEVE 1 NIGHT FREE AT THE HOST HOTEL.  For details on Ad sizes and prizes, click on the Souvenir Program Ads page.   Tip:  Easiest way to keep up with your sells is to collect payments yourself and then enter all the info needed per the rules on the ad page, or be sure and direct people to the page to make payments themselves and have them write in notes: "For Nominee (your name).  Remember that ads are different than congratulatory messages.  Ads can be about their business, up coming event, church, etc. or a congratulatory message for you that includes their picture or yours or biz card, etc.   

Make your payments here

Payments for Ads & Congratulatory Messages------------>

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