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Support one of the nominees with the purchase of an Ad on their behalf, or by placing a congratulatory message in the souvenir program book! 

If you do not have a specific nominee in mind, but are interested in capitalizing on the opportunity to share your business services with our audience, you are welcome to do so.  We welcome your support as well.

Click on the drop down below, select your ad choice, make your payment, then email to submit your ad information to us.  

We thank you in advance for your support of the nominees and the Music Love Awards.  We will send you an email confirmation along with a proof of the ad for approval prior to actual print.  Your purchase of an ad $50 and above, will include a copy of the Souvenir Program.  Please, provide us with your mailing address in the comment section.  

The inside front cover is still available at $200 full color only!  The inside back cover is still available at $200 full color only!    The outside of the back cover is available $250 full color only  If you are interested in any of these ad spaces, please email us for the payment link and further instructions, as we can only accept one ad for each of these.  You may also team up with another company or person for these spaces.


Note:  For congratulatory messages without artwork, simply complete the form below and make your payment.  For the inside front/back covers or the outside back cover ads, please email us with your interest.  First comes, first served!


PAYMENT METHODS:(use drop down on "buy now" below or use QR codes on the left for:

Zelle & Paypal

You may also cash app your payment to $MLASFoundation


Deadline to submit Ads or messages 8/10/24

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scroll over with the bar below the image

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